We get asked by almost every owner what size collar they should purchase for their puppy. My answer every single time is the same. We do not use collars. EVER!
Why you may ask? There are several reasons.
Puppies are known to slip out of collars all of the time. It is extremely important that your puppy/dog is secure and controlled when out on a walk. We use either a slip lead or a harness (typically a slip lead). The lead is usually only 4/5 feet in length. Retractable leashes are extremely dangerous. We do not recommend these, no matter how big or small your dog is.
Puppies/dogs can easily get their collar caught in the crate or other items in your home and yard. There have been MANY puppies and dogs who have gotten their collar caught in their crate and sadly choked to death. My own dog, many years ago, got his tag stuck in a floor vent. If I hadn’t been there, the outcome may not have been good.
Puppies/dogs tend to mouth each other when playing, especially at the neck area. I’ve known of dogs playing and one dog got his jaw stuck in the other dog’s collar. The natural reaction is to pull and pull trying to get loose. Unfortunately, that just chokes the other dog.
If you must keep a collar on your dog (for a wireless fence system), please make sure it’s a breakaway collar. While they are not 100% reliable, any other collar type is 0% going to release.
No matter what you use, never leave it on while your dog is in a crate, playing with other dogs or home alone.